Welcome to KarmaCom Inc., headquartered in Brooklyn, New York, USA. We are building a new KarmaCom web site. In the meanwhile, please consider this responsive microsite a quick About Us and Contact page. Happy cybertrails!
KarmaCom Inc is a New York City-based boutique marketing communications agency with a corporate-sized suite of strategic marketing, promotion, and branding services. In this new era of #ai, #IoT, #ar, livestreaming, third screens, video marketing and social selling there simply is no marketing without tech. We are proud to have been pioneers and early adopters of mobile marketing, social media and influencer outreach, online public relations, SEO, CPA programs and more. We were busy creating cross-media/cross-device campaigns while the Goliaths were still talking into their dumbphones and posting to their MySpace accounts.
Led by founder Karma Martell, we've been at the forefront of the digital marketing revolution since 1997. 2017 marks our 20th year in positive digital disruption. Time flies when you're shifting paradigms.
Style, Function, In-Form
Yes, we're geeky and we gravitate towards out-of-the-box-ideas, but we have an equally-important other side: we are social goodniks. That's where the Good Karma Marketing bit comes into play. We believe that it's not enough to create clever campaign scenarios, brand messaging and promotions that thrill and thrive. We believe that all brands and clients ultimately benefit best when they create a win-win-win scenario for their audiences and prospects - (and, bonus!) - address the causes and concerns those folks care about. Hashtag #sustainability. Hashtag #socialresponsibility. (Social entrepreneurs, we love you!)
We thought we saw it all...but wait, there are 3D goggles, chatbots and Alexa!
We have seen a lot in twenty years: the era of dotcom startups, corporate mergers drastically reducing vertical competition, media companies turning tech and vice verse. With consumer adoption of the smartphone, Social Media went from fad to preferred form of communication. It kickstarted citizen journalism. Women opted out of unequal pay, unholy hours and the glass ceiling causing explosive #smbiz growth. Social sharing and locavore digital directories gave wings to hyperlocal marketing, general dissatisfaction with the job market fueled the gig economy. Mcommerce, Bitcoin, Apple Pay, Facebook Live, Periscope, OTT, trolls that do not have hunchbacks and live under bridges...we could go on and on. It's been quite a ride!
We Believe in Homework and Tests
Despite the declarations of the bodhisattvas of the marketing blogosphere, marketing A-B-Cs still remain in a digital world, and that's why the "do your homework" admonition is coming. But first, let's talk about testing. As the great marketer Flint McLaughlin is fond of saying, "Testing is marketing." It's his mantra and it's ours too. (Right after "Sat Nam," the Kundalini mantra of awareness. Our founder Karma Martell swears by Kundalini Yoga.) Anyhow, point is, we test everything. There are no marketing absolutes. That mobile ad campaign that worked wonders for your competition may not work as well for you. It's a highly personalized world of messages, audiences, media and brand identities. Back to the homework stuff: We find in this world of instant gratification fueled by social media (Like me!, Plus one me!, 5-Star Me!) even savvy bizpreneurs, bizertainers and C-Suiters can be under the impression that when it comes to digital presence, it's a Field of Dreams. "if you build it, he will come." Well, uh, not exactly. If you know and understand your target prospects/audience, because you have...
- Researched the market and the competition
- Know and have tested your Unique Selling Proposition and Value Proposition
- Have brand identity and marketing materials that tell your true story
- Practice socially responsible good karma marketing
- Have created and are creating a wealth of valuable multimedia content (Owned media assets)
- Are managing your social media interactions, monitoring sentiments and interacting with your influencers
- Have a responsive web site
- Take SEO very seriously, including studying your target audience, continually tweaking while growing your inbound links, directory listings and online reviews
- Are growing your earned media (PR mentions) and have a PR plan
- Are executing strategic advertising across media (Paid promotional media)
- Understand that CRM, if executed properly is an acronym for "Constant Rivers of Money"
- Are developing or implementing a plan for strategic business affiliations, sales and business development...
Then, yes, you are a superstar, and ready for next level greatness. What fun we are going to have! We're here to help -- even if it is just a strategic shot in the arm. Whether your youness takes the form of a corporation, a small business, a startup, a megalith, a personality in the public eye, a service business, or a gameworld avatar, everybody has marketing growing pains and we all have homework to do. We Karmacom folks will shed some brilliance on your brilliance, and before you know it, the legends appear out of perimeters of the field, the lights are bright and it's home runs all around. (You gotta love those baseball metaphors!)
You can contact KarmaCom by email, Twitter or that old-fashioned instrument known as the telephone, and we'll get back to you ASAP.